Lion and Ramses tattoo in progress.
Ok, it’s been ages since I’ve posted anything. It’s awful, I know. That’s the bad news.
The good news is that we’ve gotten some lovely new photography lights at the studio, so it should be alot easier to take proper pics of tattoos!
So, now on to more good stuff!!!
This photograph is an in progress shot of a fun tattoo that I finished recently. We had one more session after this one, which was mostly spent finishing an area on the back of the arm. During this particular session, I worked on the majority of the piece, which is why the whole thing has a lot of redness visible here. I’ll have some shots of the completed tattoo shortly, but in the meantime, I really like this photo and so I thought that it would be great to share it.
I love the lion and Ramses together, as symbols of strength and wisdom and I’m very happy with how this tattoo sits on the clients body. One of the things that makes this work is the fact that the client was willing to go large for the lion head. We used the entire chest and that made a huge difference in the impact here; anything smaller would have drastically compromised the illustrative quality and it would have left the 2 subjects too far apart- I think that here we were able to achieve a good balance between subject matter and background.
I’ll be posting the full shots of the healed tattoo soon!
Take care all!
Bonjour serais t’il possible d’avoir le modèle de ce tattoo s’il vous plais . Et si c’est possible que vous me l’envoyez par émail . Merci . Cordialement
Non, cela a été conçu pour mon client que je ne peux pas le partager . Si vous prenez cette image à un tatoueur professionnel , ils peuvent concevoir un tatouage unique mais semblable pour vous.
Merci pour regarder mon travail .